Bitten By the Covid Bug – Again

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Real Estate

This week I started to get a runny nose and an occasional cough. I didn’t think much of it the first day, but the second day was kind of a bitch, and by the third day symptoms had not abated. When I told one of my clients about it (over the phone), he suggested I take a Covid test. “It’s going around,” he said.

Sure enough, I tested positive for a second time since Covid entered our lives. The first time was two years ago when my 90 year old mother got it and eventually passed away as a result. Interestingly enough her death certificate did not peg Covid as the cause because she had contracted it a month earlier and Covid had left her body by the time she passed. There’s no question in my mind though that Covid got her circling the drain and eventually, if not directly, led to her passing.

Back to me, this morning I took my first does of the Plaxlovid pills (3). The first time around I didn’t even think consider it and I recovered fine. With multiple jabs on my dance card, including one last fall, I’d probably be okay without Plaxlovid, but I’m not taking any chances. I’m laying low, resting up and drinking lots of fluids. You won’t find me holding any open houses this weekend, or in the surf, and I’ve had to reschedule a listing appointment for the end of next week. Two escrows continue to progress towards their closing, and two more new listings continue with preparations. I’m not the one painting, refinishing the hardwood or staging: all vendors have been scheduled. I continue to coordinate everything I need to from home, between coughing fits and depleting my supplies of tissue. They say Covid is just like any other cold now. Even though my body has got to have built up some resistance by now, I'm still taking it seriously.

Is it time to start wearing masks again? Even if I had thought there was a risk before I got it I probably would not have been wearing a mask. Masks suck, but so does Covid. Masks are a personal choice, I just hope nobody looks down on anyone for wearing one because Covid is real, and it is deadly for the immune compromised.