Following my Father

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Real Estate

My father loved photography. He was quite accomplished and his works graced the covers of the several albums he produced for George Duke. He also liked to write. He wrote novels but never had them published. I can relate. I too have written a few novels, but I never seriously pursued publishing them. I think I approached two publishers with two different manuscripts and gave up. I never was confident enough in my work to really pound the pavement and find a publisher, so I ended up writing for my piece of mind. But in 2009, I turned to blogging, and it’s been a labor of love. This has been particularly true since the beginning of August when my mother caught Covid and eventually passed away on September 16th. Throughout that time, I’ve kept up my weekly blogging, but not always publishing them on Friday, and the words didn’t often come easily, as they usually do. With the passage of time, my life is returning to a new normal, and I’m getting excited about writing again. I plan on getting back on schedule with my Friday blogs.

One thing about my blogs: I don’t always feel like writing about real estate, so I don’t. I hope you don’t mind my indulgence in variety. Today I’m doing something completely different with my blog. The following links are to a surfing photography website that I started. Since I suffered a broken rib and am waiting for it to heal, when I go out to the beach now, I bring a camera instead of my surfboard. This week there were some world-class waves out at Ocean Beach, and I think I got some good shots. I know I can do better, but I think my father would be proud anyway. What do you think?