Garage Sale to Free Ads to Good Homes

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Last weekend I helped my client with a garage sale at 18 Trellis Dr, which we have coming on the market in about two weeks. My client was headed to assisted living and didn’t need the house full of furniture and possessions. So I took photos of lots of stuff, put ‘moving sale’ ads on Craigslist and Nextdoor, then we had it open on Saturday from 9am – 1pm. The turnout was good and lots of things were purchased, but at the end of it there was still plenty more.

I booked the mover for my client and mid-week they came and brought everything she needed over to her new home. Even after the garage sale and move, there still more stuff, but the bedrooms were emptying quickly. I then post ads again on Craigslist and Nextdoor, this time for free furniture. Suddenly beds, dressers and tables were flying out the door! The best part about preparing a home for the market is how fulfilling it can be.

Giving away possessions often fills needs in other people’s lives. A caregiver contacted me about her client who had come home from the hospital to an empty house. He had almost nothing, just a medical bed and some folding tables. She spent her own money hiring a couple of guys with a truck to move the furniture to her client’s house. Later she sent photos of my client’s belongings in her client’s house. There were four photos, one of which showed her client who appeared frail and elderly. It felt so nice to be able to do something for a guy in his situation.

Another guy came from Sacramento for a pair of twin beds and a night stand. I didn’t get his story, but he was preceded by an uncle and his nephew who needed furniture to outfit the kid’s first home after graduating college. I was wearing a Northeastern sweatshirt from my daughter’s college, which happened to be where the nephew attended! Small world. I thought that was a perfect use for furnishings, and I hope to help my daughters outfit their first places the same way. Less stuff goes to landfill and the kids save money.

Unfortunately the next stop will be landfill for whatever is left over. We’ve still got a few things. Couches can be difficult to give away, and we’ve still got one, plus a big cabinet, a couple of lounge chairs and a desk. That’s really not bad considering we started with a full house. The owner’s son also made several trips to the Goodwill along with way. He has been a rock throughout the process. Awesome at the garage sale, and facilitating everything on the ground. I’ve done this kind of stuff on my own for other clients, but it’s a lot easier when you’ve got someone staying at the house who can meet everyone. For 48 hours I was constantly funneling people to him as the house emptied.

By the way, 18 Trellis Drive is an exceptional home. My client is 90 years old and she has been there for a half century, all the while taking great care of everything. I had a pest report done, and there was nothing on it. Nothing needed immediate attention, nothing was recommended for future maintenance and there no mention of further inspections. The report literally came back blank, which is a rarity in the real estate business. There are no permit issues, and the only thing the home inspector could find was a missing smoke detector and a recommendation to re-strap the water heater. Typically we see home inspections with dozens of recommendations. Only two is practically unheard of.

Needless to say, the house is in superior shape. The front and backyards are also very attractive. I’m really excited just thinking about selling this home! Next up, we are taking up the carpets and refinishing the hardwood. Then it will be staged, professionally photographed and ready for the market by the weekend of June 24 & 25. Stop on by and check it out when we come on the market. I think you’ll agree that this is a great Terra Linda home.