Goodbye Cheesecake Factory (5 min read)

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And now for something completely different...

Today I had my final bad experience at the Cheesecake Factory. They can take their delicious cheesecake and shovel it into someone else’s pie hole. I worked in a lot of restaurants through high school and college so I’m generally pretty forgiving about restaurant miscues, but I really should have made this move years ago. Today was the third and final strike. I’m going to take my dining dollars elsewhere.

But where else can I find meals that are medically inadvisable to eat? My hearing has been on the decline for the past decade, and a few couple of ago after eating a large plate of Cheesecake Factory Jambalaya my hearing actually dropped several levels and never returned. My doctor told me it was probably from all the sodium (and MSG?) they put in the dish. The Cheesecake Factory is officially the only restaurant in America that has damaged my hearing. Medically inadvisable menu item? Confirmed.

Despite having actually suffered a medical episode from a meal at The Cheesecake Factory in Corte Madera I still went along when my family wanted to go. They like the menu and the restaurant is nice. My last time in the Cheesecake Factory in Corte Madera my family all got served their meals while I waited for my burger. Instead of waiting I insisted they eat their meals, while I waited for my burger. They finished their meals, ordered desert and their cheesecakes came. Still waiting, I didn’t need to insist they wait. They were half way through their cheesecakes before I finally got my burger. By that time I had lost my appetite. I told the server I didn’t want it anymore. She got the manager who asked me to take it home at no charge, otherwise they would end up throwing it away. So I did. I ate half of it when I got home. The other half one of my daughters ate the next day. It wasn't bad.

Today was the final straw though. We got two Groupons for cheesecake a while back, and then the Shelter in Place hit. The Groupons expired and apparently The Cheesecake Factory extended the redemption of the Groupons until the end of June. Today is July 22nd. According to the manager on duty they’ve been turning people away all month with no cheesecake and expired Groupons. She said they sent out an email to everyone with the Groupons, but we either didn’t get that email or it went to spam. Either way, we had no way of knowing. I’ll admit, we should have gone for the cheesecake sooner, but, you know, the virus and all. So we ended up paying for something and getting nothing. Is this some form of karma for me taking their ‘free’ burger home at the end of my meal last time? I still paid for three other meals and cheesecakes so I think they made out okay.

I told the manager today that she was making a poor business decision, but that didn’t sway her. I’ve never written anything like this before, but I have to say I will never eat at the Cheesecake Factory again. The food is unhealthy and irreparably damaged my hearing. I received poor service my last time there. And this time they wouldn’t honor a Groupon we paid for, they got paid, and I ended up with nothing but a bad taste in my mouth.

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