Gratitude, Forgiveness & a Future Shout Out

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I have to tell you that I am so grateful to my family, friends, clients and neighbors who have believed in me and supported my real estate sales business over the years. Without all the positive energy behind me there is no way I would be where I am today, considered among the best Realtors in Marin County. Over the years there have been a lot of complex challenges and difficult negotiations, and if not for working with wonderful people it would have been impossible to become successful.

I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. Over the years I’ve learned to forgive myself because there are many obstacles in a real estate transaction and it can be nearly impossible to line up everything perfectly. It goes back to not sweating the little stuff and I’ve learned to keep my focus on the big picture, which in the end is getting the best deals for my buyers and sellers while making the transactions as smooth as humanly possible.

In recent years my biggest challenge has been my hearing impairment. I could not function without my hearing aids. About four years ago I was talking to a potential seller at her kitchen table. I kept having to say, ‘Excuse me’, and ‘Can you please repeat that?’ At that point I had no choice but to get the hearing aids and while my hearing isn’t perfect with them, it’s  helped me lead a more fulfilling personal and business life. I am grateful for my hearing aids. I’m grateful for everyone for understanding this challenge, which in the scheme of things really isn’t that big of a deal. Also I'm in good company, as most people my age are beginning to suffer hearing loss. I grew up here in Marin County in a very vibrant and loud music scene. We went to too many concerts with not enough cotton in our ears.

These are tough times in our country, and they are going to get more challenging. I’m grateful the housing market has defied gravity, largely because interest rates are historically low and we sadly have a chronic housing shortage. I would like to try to help people who are going through difficult times. There is a surprising number of people who read my blog. I’m been averaging over 3000 visitors per month to my website.

In an upcoming blog I’d like to do a shout out to any local businesses in Marin who would like raise awareness with my readers. If you have a business, or would like to see a business you frequent in this blog space please email me the following:

-          Business name

-          Business contact info (address, email, phone)

-          A blurb about the business

Let’s all stick together and continue to support one another as best we can. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.