Listing Presentation, Presentation

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Real Estate

This past week I gave a presentation, on giving listing presentations, in our weekly office meeting. Since joining Coldwell Banker in San Rafael, I’ve been their top listing agent each year, and there’s a good chance history will repeat this year. After 18 years in full time real estate sales, I have been on a lot of listing appointments, and I’ve developed a pretty thorough presentation which I shared with my colleagues. I think it was a good experience for me and for everyone at the meeting.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to share my knowledge with others, in the hopes that they will be able to use it to improve their own listing presentations. I could have kept doing my own thing without letting my colleagues know how I’ve been succeeding, but by sharing I’m creating value with my co-workers. This was a good opportunity for me to help others succeed.

After giving the presentation, I realize I actually had a lot more to say. I learned about giving listing presentations from Melissa Bradley, who was the top agent in Marin from 1998-2008. Melissa gave her own presentations on giving listing presentations at office meetings, and as I recall she would give the presentations in multiple office meetings: part 1, part 2, etc. Melissa was an incredible listing agent, and I’m grateful she was able to share her knowledge with me and all her other agents.

I’m not a broker, so it’s not technically my responsibility to share my knowledge and there is no financial incentive for me to do it. However, if it helps a few agents get a few more listings, that would really be special. Even if it only helps one agent get one more listing, giving the presentation will have been worth it. However, as their real estate careers unfold, Realtors are always adding to their tool boxes and refining their techniques based on their experiences and the lessons they learn (often the hard way). What I talked about in my presentation could potentially positively impact Realtors in my office for the rest of their careers.

I am looking forward to Realtors in my office coming up to me and saying they incorporated some of my presentation into their own presentations, and it helped them get listings. It could really make a difference in their professional and personal lives, and for that I’m grateful.