My Name is Yuzu

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I was a stray dog. One of my parents was a Labrador Retriever. The other was a Chihuahua. How did that happen?! True love finds a way. Anyway I was found in Martinez, CA and checked into a rescue organization on March 2, 2021, so that’s considered my birthday. I’m still a pretty skinny 17 pounds, it was hard finding food when I was on my own. I’ve actually put on weight in the past few weeks and it feels really good.

The rescue organization Fairy Tails in San Francisco found me a nice foster family. I enjoyed living there a lot. I got a lot of attention, love and food! It wasn’t my forever home though. I was recently adopted by a nice family in Terra Linda. They haven’t had a dog before, so they need a little training. For instance my new father opened the side gate and I slid out before he could close it: what a rookie move! I could tell he was concerned because it was my second day with the family but I wasn’t going anywhere. I was going to hang out in front of the house until I saw something across the street (squirrel!) and started to go for it. Dad called me back so I didn’t go after it.

I didn’t want to go to the backyard just yet and Dad didn’t have a leash on me so I was playing a little keep away from him. That was fun, but then he tricked me by going to the car and opening the door. I thought we were going for a ride! I guess these humans learn quickly. When I jumped on the driver’s seat, he picked me up and carried me to the back yard.

We were very social our first weekend. My new aunt brought her dog Beau over and we had a great time together in the backyard! We played tag and wrestled and raced around the yard together. He’s a perfect cousin! Later we visited my new grandmother’s dog Gypsy. Little Gypsy is quite a pill. He barked and snarled and snapped at me! Gypsy is a Mini-Dachshund and seems she seems to have an anger management problem. I liked Grandma a lot, just not her dog so much.

I’m being very good about not having accidents in the house. My first night I slept in my new crate. I got used to that with my foster family, and I’d never have an accident in my crate. Whenever I need to go to the bathroom my new family is very good about letting me out. I just go to the back door, they open it and I run into the yard. I do my business and I come back and the humans are holding the door open for me. I get really great service over here.

I know I’m going to love this family. I kind of had a rough past, you can tell because when you pet the top of my head because I cower a bit. When humans make sudden movements, I get scared. I’m trying to chill out though, I’m certain I can trust my new family. That’s so important! In the meantime, I’m keeping an eye on everyone. I like to make sure they aren’t getting into any trouble so I follow them around. You know humans, they can do some pretty crazy stuff!