Please Be Considerate – Wear a Mask (5 min read)

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Real Estate

One of my clients brought it to my attention that she saw on her home camera a Realtor showing her property to a couple with two young kids. This really gets me because the Realtor is only supposed to bring two people in the house at one time, and they signed a form with those instructions which were also posted on the front door. If they were doing it right it would have been one adult and child at a time, and that way they could hold the child’s hand and maintain control. As it turns out the kids were doing what kids do, exploring the house and touching everything. If those were COVID kids my client could be in danger. She wiped down the entire house when she got home.

Did you know when they stick you on a ventilator it’s very painful and you need to be heavily sedated for days and weeks on end until you are either breathing sufficiently or you die. In the meantime you subsist on a feeding tube. You’ve got a catheter, plus a bag for your bowel movements. You are completely isolated from friends and family. You can’t move as your body wastes away while it tries to fight the virus. If you’re lucky enough to live (1 in 5 survival chance) through the ventilator experience you may have permanent damage to your internal organs, and it will take many months to regain muscles and coordination.

I’ve had several different people now show up to homes I’m selling without masks. One was a man in his 80’s who lives in a retirement community. Everyone has separate units with kitchens so the risk of spread wouldn’t be so great if he wasn’t gregarious by nature. It could surely be worse if everyone ate together and he got the virus. Another gentleman in his early 30’s showed up with a naked and unafraid face. He doesn’t believe the virus is that bad, or that it would hit him hard if it ever does at all.

Everyone I’m mentioning here is real and they all have one thing in common. By not wearing masks and not following rules they are not just putting themselves in jeopardy, they are risking the lives of everyone they come into close contact with: friends, family, clients, etc. When I wear my mask I’m not just protecting me, I’m protecting you and everyone we know.

Please be considerate of others and wear a mask when you are around other people. 115,000 people in the United States have died and that number is rising faster than it should because people don’t believe in wearing masks or social distancing and they don’t fear the virus. I fear it. I fear it for myself, my family and friends and community. Wear a mask, and when you do try to cover your nose too. I know I’m being picky, no pun intended but an exposed nose is a vulnerable nose. You know?