Real Estate Resolutions for 2022

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Real Estate

If you are a seller, buyer, or real estate agent this coming year could hold great things for your future. With that in mind here are a few resolutions to help you achieve your goals.

  • A great buyer resolution is to become more serious in your quest to purchase a new home. Becoming more serious means:

(a) getting pre-approved / get all your financial ducks in a row

(b) looking at homes of interest as soon as they come on the market

(c) making offers as soon as possible, including offers on homes that haven’t come on the market yet

  • Sellers should commit to their best path forward. All sellers are not created equal and what’s best for one is not always best for another. Options to consider include:

(a) selling off the market – it can be a great first step to test higher pricing. If off market doesn’t work out, you can always commit to putting the house on the market

(b) selling ‘as is’ and doing minimal preparation to the property

(c) doing some work to prepare the home, such as painting and flooring

(d) aiming to get your house on the market sooner rather than later in the year. With interest rates expected to rise in 2022, your best bet will likely be to sell in the first half of the year.

  • As an experienced Marin County Realtor, I’ve learned a few things over the years that have been keys to my success. The following bullet points are things that I do every year, and they can serve as resolutions that Realtors should put into action:

(a) commit to a marketing plan - your marketing plan is your path to success

(b) set a minimum marketing budget – it takes money to make money, and if you plan effectively, the more you spend, the more you’ll make

(c) try something new! A few years back I advertised on Zillow. It was expensive and I realized it wasn’t for me. However, I had been wondered for years if I should try Zillow or not, and now at least I’ll no longer have to wonder about it

(d) commit to some type of philanthropic endeavor – giving back is the most important thing we can do. Even if you are just giving time, you can make a positive impact in other people’s lives. This is an excellent resolution for everyone

Happy New Year!