Recent Closings and Keep on Trucking

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Real Estate

This week I closed escrow on 279 Devon Drive in Terra Linda. There’s no doubt the market has been slower than usual this fall. However, things have seemed to pick up a little in the past few weeks with the interest rates inching downward. I’ve also got 259 C Street in San Rafael scheduled to close in the next two weeks. So even though the market has not been its usual gangbuster self, properties and people are moving. That’s one thing about real estate sales, they never stop.

Speaking of never stopping, although I’ve been a full time Realtor since 2004 and I am approaching my sixth decade on this space rock, I don’t see myself retiring anytime soon. I enjoy the real estate profession too much and I get enormous satisfaction out of helping people during these critical times in their lives. While I know Realtors who continue to sell property as octogenarians, I don’t see myself working that nearly long. Barring any unforeseen health issues, knock on wood, I envision myself selling homes until I’m about 70. Or when I win the lottery, whichever comes first.

Home from college over the Thanksgiving break my daughter noted that I was walking with a limp. She also asked me if my hearing had gotten worse, to which I replied, “Probably.”

It had only been about six weeks since I saw her last, but she said, “You got old.”

I had to smile. “It’s the circle of life. I remember thinking the same thing about your grandparents one time when I came home from college. Hopefully if you decide to have kids, one day you’ll be fortunate enough to hear them say the same thing about you!”

The truth is I’m not in my 40’s anymore, and that’s when I started feeling older. This aging thing has been coming on for a while. For example, I’m on my second pair of hearing aids. I’m on my third ENT at Kaiser. The first two retired during the descent of my hearing. So yeah, I’m definitely old but I’m also in my the prime of my career.

2024 is going to be an exciting year. If interest rates come down as expected, watch out! This spring the buyers will be in full bloom. I can’t wait to start lining up multiple offer situations again!