Seniors with Mental Health Conditions

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Recently Donna Murray with reached out to me about posting a blog from the on my site. I know a lot of seniors read my blog, as well as many of my contemporaries who have elderly parents they care for. Growing old is a big enough challenge as it is, but when you add in mental conditions like anxiety (4% of older adults) and bipoloar disorders, depression (1-5%), eating disorders and PTSD (1.5-4%) you realize that mental health conditions are common and make aging even more difficult for everyone involved. The question becomes, how best do we care for the ones we love? Educating ourselves on these matters is the first step.

Please take a few minutes to read this informative blog that was written by Dr. Brindusa Vanta:

My own mother, pictured above, passed away last year at the ripe old age of 90. Having lost her husband/my father 10 years earlier she had her own set of challenges, which my family navigated as best we could. I was a little hesitant to use her photo for this blog entry, but I figured by using her photo if we were able to reach one more person with the information and the resources in the blog, then she would be happy. I know I'd feel exactly the same if my daughters were able to use my image in a similar fashion in the future.