Special Olympics Memory (5 min read)

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Several lifetimes ago in the spring of 1985 I was completing my freshman, and only, year at the University of Oregon. My fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon helped out at the Special Olympics every year and I was on hand to pitch in. I remember almost nothing from that day except one incredible race.

The stands were full that day and the crowd was cheering! There was so much positive energy and support for all the athletes, it was like on event I had ever attended. Everyone there that day was a winner, and one athlete in particular won over all our hearts.

I was on the field, and I might have been helping with the long jump or shot put or some other field event when the 220 started. A roar went up from the stands as the athletes made their way around the track, giving it everything they had. In their intensity you could feel how much this race meant to all of the runners, as they soaked up the energy and enthusiasm of the crowd and pushed their bodies towards the finish line. It was a struggle for most of the athletes, but they persevered.

Most of the racers had crossed the finish line and there was one athlete still making her way around. The crowd was really getting into it, cheering louder as she kept moving along with great difficulty, her will power battling against a body born into betrayal. There were assistants on either side of her and she had entered the final 100 meters in front of the packed grandstands when suddenly the unthinkable happened. She tripped and fell hard on her face, practically bouncing off the track.

There was a gasp from the crowd and then silence. The athlete was lay still on the track for a couple of moments, and I’m not sure anyone knew what to do or what would happen next. I was certain her race was over. The helpers each reached down to try to get the athlete up, but she forcefully waved them off. Awkwardly, in obvious pain she got to her feet as the crowd went crazy! Then she did the unthinkable. Not only did she stand up on her own, but she continued toward the finish line. There was no doubt in her mind that she was going to finish the race. Meanwhile the fans were going absolutely bonkers in support of her! When she finally made it to the end of the race she had the most beautiful, triumphant smile on her face as she raised her arms and waived to the crowd. 

No doubt it was the bravest athletic moment I’ve had the honor to witness in person. I will always carry that moment in my heart. Knock me down. With the strength and courage of that athlete as my guide I will get up and make it to the finish line.