Tales from the Great Pacific?

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While I realize this is a business website, I’m wondering if my readers have any interest in me sharing occasional surfing stories? I’ve always enjoyed posting surfing photos from current excursions along with my blog, so you probably already know it’s one of my passions (44+ years addicted to the ocean). I write this blog on the eve of my birthday, 10/18, for which I’ll be heading down to Santa Cruz to surf two sessions: the 10/18 afternoon and the 10/19 morning. Surf conditions are currently forecast as ‘Fair to Good’ on Surfline.com with 4-6 ft faces when we arrive, jacking up to 8-12 ft overnight from a long period west swell. When the National Weather Service issues beach hazard statements in Santa Cruz, you know the surf is going to be good! The last time I was in Santa Cruz I caught another big swell/beach hazard, and had one of my best sessions in decades.

I really love surfing. I’ve had some incredible experiences in the water, on the beach, when traveling and while at home. There is a brotherhood and sisterhood in surfing that I cherish. It’s a journey we are all on, not so much as to catch the ultimate wave (AKA The Endless Summer), but to enjoy the best overall experiences. The biggest reason we get in the water is to have fun, and it’s a lot more fun when you are with your close friends and family. I do surf solo sometimes, but I’m never alone in the water. There are always other surfers in the water, out to have a good time, often encouraging one another with hoots and hollers when the best waves come rolling through.

Don’t be surprised if the next blog I write is about my birthday trip. I can’t wait to get in the water tomorrow, this coming swell is going to be spectacular!