Value Creation

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Real Estate

One of the most important jobs for a Realtor is to create value. Value creation goes deeper than simply preparing and marketing a property in order to attract the highest and best offer. Yes, the value of a property is realized for the sellers once the house is sold. Yes, we are creating a value proposition for the buyers who consider making a purchase and hopefully want it enough to make a great offer. However, there are many other ways we create value for many other stakeholders and that should not be overlooked. I’ll give you an example.

Recently, a Realtor in my office sent out an email to a few select Realtors in Terra Linda because she had a listing that was potentially coming on the market. The sellers were willing to sell off-market, which would make the process much easier for them. I was fortunate enough to receive the email, and while I didn’t have a buyer for the house, I knew someone who did. Last year, I sold a house in Novato and developed a solid professional relationship with the Realtor who represented the buyers. It turns out she has some buyers for Terra Linda, and earlier this year I showed them a house I had that wasn’t on the market. They fell in love, made a great offer and my sellers decided they weren’t ready to pull the trigger. Cue the sad trombone music.

We were able to turn that frown upside down when I forwarded the Realtor the email about the new off-market listing. They fell in love with that one too, made and offer and this time it was accepted! You might be asking yourself, “So what’s in it for you?” While I wasn’t directly involved in the transaction, I was able to create value for the buyers, sellers, Realtors, mortgage brokers, property inspectors, a title company, etc. I’m really happy for everyone! I did my job well and there is a lot of satisfaction in that. Working as a Realtor, I can tell you there are lots of times where we do a great job but don’t get paid, because we only get paid when we sell a home.

Last year during a training class I took, the instructor asked the zoom attendees what they felt was the job of a Realtor. There were several predictable answers, and I chimed in, ‘value creation’. I mentioned giving work to stagers, painters, contractors and many other professionals involved in the process of selling a home. The instructor said that was the first time he’d ever heard that answer, which I found discouraging. I feel like Realtors are able to do a lot of good things for so many people, and that should never be overlooked, discounted, or taken for granted.

Recently one of my former clients told me she is getting her real estate license. It’s something I had encouraged her to do and I am thrilled! She’s sold a few homes with me and I think she will make a great Realtor! Believe it or not, this is the third time in my career I’ve sold multiple homes for a client who later became a Realtor. The other two Realtors are still selling too, which makes me very happy. I love it when people succeed, and being part of their success is a blessing.