Viral Ignorant Realtors? (3 min read)

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Real Estate

Recently I scheduled a showing in San Rafael for one of my clients. I got there early and when I walked up to the doorway I was shocked to see nothing but a lockbox. The brokerage COVID compliance rules were supposed to be posted at the doorway. There should have been available PPE and a little trash can to dispose of it after the viewing. Masks, wipes, gloves, hand sanitizers and booties: it’s not that hard to comply with the Marin Association of Realtor requirements. I could have seen this coming when in the confidential listing remarks, which only agents can see, it said, “Call agent for more information and showing instructions during SIP, “ and nothing else. We are in Phase 3 of the reopening! It was a discount brokerage (mis)representing the sellers and it was obvious the agent put those comments in 4/16/20 when the property went live and never bothered to change them, or do anything as we’ve gone through the reopening phases.   

Here’s what I put in my confidential listing instructions at 108 Trellis Dr which mostly mirrors what all responsible brokers are doing, “Showing by appointment only. Attached PEAD and Coldwell Banker COVID Protection Plan signatures required. KEEP THE COMMUNITY SAFE AND FOLLOW THE RULES!” That last part was my personal touch after an agent showed up unannounced at the house, expecting to get in without an appointment or submitting the necessary signed disclosures.

Prior to anyone visiting my listings I turn on all the lights and open windows and doors. This is required. After showings I wipe down commonly touched surfaces. It’s a labor intensive and potentially hazardous process, and I admit I was uneasy with the wipe downs before I started doing them. I got used to it though.

Ignoring the rules, not even making an attempt to comply is just plain ignorance. In this case ignorance is not bliss. It’s dangerous.